What Can Be Done for Pole Barn Repair in Peoria IL?
Pole barns are exceptionally popular across the Midwest, whether for agricultural use, as part of an industrial facility, or as a fixture on a residential property. These unique structures are durable, easy to construct, and allow for some incredible versatility in what they can be used for. However, the longevity of post-frame structures is at risk due to one significant issue that impacts these types of buildings: moisture and wood rot. If your structure’s columns begin deteriorating, you can help restore their strength and longevity with products for pole barn repair in Peoria IL, provided by Anthem Built. Call today to learn more!

How Does Wood Rot Impact Your Frame’s Posts?
Post-frame construction has been a popular building technique for the last few decades. Due to its ease of design, minimal labor and material requirements, and impressive strength and versatility, it’s no wonder why. However, because the design of post-frame structures has changed little since its inception, some design flaws continue to be implemented. As these structures have begun to age, posts set directly into the ground have suffered wood rot due to moisture and insects. The result of this deterioration is expensive post replacement for property owners.
What About Repair?
Rather than contending with the costly replacement of wood columns, many contractors and property owners are looking for alternative options for pole barn repair in Peoria IL. The unfortunate truth is that little can be done with wood rot; at least, that was before Anthem Built’s latest post-frame components. At Anthem Built, we look to correct wood rot issues with our specialized repair products, including the Column Repair Sleeve, Column Covers, and Repair Sockets.

- Column Repair Sleeves – Rotting, weakened columns can be restored to greater than their previous strength using Anthem Built’s Column Repair Sleeves. Each Repair Sleeve is made from galvanized steel and easily affixes to any size column. Using a Repair Sleeve, you can reinforce your column instead of replacing it.
- Column Covers – Our Column Covers further improve the condition of rotted wood columns when used with Repair Sleeves. Column Covers help encapsulate a column, helping prevent further damage due to moisture and insects. Additionally, our Column Covers offer a solid connection point for additional post-frame components.
- Repair Sockets – If your column isn’t on the ground but sitting slightly above it on a concrete slab, it can still suffer from wood rot. If such is the case, property owners and contractors can use our Repair Sockets for post-frame repair. A Repair Socket can fit onto the base of a column, covering and reinforcing the rotted portion and anchoring columns securely to a concrete base.
See What Anthem Built Has to Offer!
There’s no need to be concerned over costly post replacement when pole barn repair in Peoria IL is possible! It’s all thanks to the innovative post-frame components designed and manufactured by Anthem Built. To learn more about our products, find an Anthem Built installer near you, or become an installer for Anthem Built, call 309-463-2777 or fill out our online form.